Big Steps today

Big Day!

Today I learned the ins and outs of event handlers event types, and how to attach functions to them. 

I feel like today was one of the bigger days in terms of me making noticeble progress. I actually understood it. It felt so good. I look forward to getting back at it. Lord, if only You’d really bless this area. I pray You would. And I pray tonight that You would bless me and expand my territory, and be with me in all that I do, keeping me from all trouble & pain.. “And please guard and protect my soul, in Jesus name. I really enjoy this world, Abba. Help me I pray. 

Gonna check out the Tower tomorrow!

Looking forward to returning and seeing if it may be a match. Lord please walk with me.. I love You so much. Even now, hold my hand, comfort me, and draw nigh… I want to experience Your kind, loving, gentle presence.. Please, by Your mercy & grace, comfort me now.. 

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