Hezikiah blessing
Hezikiah Healing
Thank You Abba

Published On:

Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024

Published On:

Wednesday, Nov 27, 2024

The Little things really are the big things..

Rosey-boy is hanging out in the cage right next to me. Looks strong, no longer in pain, and vibrant. What a wonderful blessing and relief to see him strong and healthy looking. First and foremost, I wanna say thank You to my Precious Abba. 

As I was about to get out of my vehicle and grab the cage with Rosey and Grace (Grace tagged along to support Rosey-boy), my heart was washed over with the life of Hezikiah. Hezihiah was a king over Israel and was given a damning prophecy by the prophet Isaiah. 
Rather than allow the news to destroy him, he brought his case before God almighty, my Abba. 
After pleading with the Lord, he was graciously given a new lease on life. The Lord kindly extended Hezikiah’s life by 15 years. 

This story had an immediate impact on me because it spoke to my heart that Abba was willing to hear my cry and extend rosey’s life, whatever the condition might be. 

X-Rays showed nothing.

After a long, long wait in the vet, I was finally met with a request from Doctor Ian to head in a room with him. He initally mentioned that we would just meet in the lobby area, so when he motioned for us to head into the room, my stomach sank for a brief moment. 
I had prayed significantly thought and was ready. 
I had fully acknowledged what I felt in my heart earlier about Hezikiah but after the past month, and much longer, I’ve come to finally accept and respect that Abba does what Abba wants, no matter how much we might pray into a matter. 
Why? Because He truly does know what is best for my life. For our lives. 

So I followed the Doc into the patient exam room and we got to chatting about his findings. 
And to my great surprise they showed nothing. 
I could see that Rosey was struggling for at least a week’s time. 
Suddenly, there’s no indication of any issue. 

To me, it was quite clear that Abba had intervened in loving faith and touched my little Rosey-boy. 
Thank You kindly Abba. 

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